Marchesin Leonardo Conegliano

- Borgo Antico

I have found an ideal partner to meet my goal which is to reduce pesticide products in the vineyard. They are a natural aid to the plant's self-defense, so they meet the company philosophy that wants the vine to be able to defend itself. An example is the 2015 season in which by using only PREVIEN® and DINAMICO ™ combined with copper-based products at half dosage, we were able to reach the harvest with an impeccable grape product, still keeping shifts between one treatment and another from 6 to 7 days .

Az. Agr. Bernardi

- Susegana

What do you think of PREVIEN® and DINAMI CO ™ plant protection agents for defense?
I think they represent a beautiful reality, we have been using them since 2010 where we started with 5000 square meters of treated vineyard and now the whole company (about 12 Ha ed.) Is treated with PREVIEN® and DINAMICO ™ plant protection agents, with a reduction of traditional pesticides . Even in the 2014 vintage, where there were problems in the DOCG area, in our company we came out unscathed and with excellent grapes.
Was this an important choice for your market?
For our customers abroad, especially importers, seeing clean multiresidual analyzes, without reporting, is a winning card to play.

Col Sazil

- Refrontolo

I want to get to the point of no longer needing chemicals, this is a viable alternative and so I started going down this path. Our foreign market increasingly requires an approach to a wine produced with organic methods. They ask you if you use weeding in the vineyard, how many chemical treatments you do, what pesticide products you use, the use of PREVIEN® and DINAMICO ™ plant protection agents for us represent a first step in this direction. The less chemistry you use, the better!

Az. Agr. Lucchetta Marcello

- Conegliano

How did you find in the 2015 vintage with the use of PREVIEN® and DINAMICO ™?
Very well; with PREVIEN® I was able to reduce the dose of traditional pesticides; a big advantage is also the healthiness in the field, in fact there is no smell of any kind, so it is possible to work with greater safety.
Since when do you use them?
Since 2014, a difficult year, it rained all the time, yet I felt comfortable, I applied them throughout the company, without problems; then I tried them again in 2015, with satisfaction; I will certainly use them again this year. How did you use them with the recovery machine? In the usual way, keeping the dosage reduction.