Depliant Fertenia

Depliant Fertenia

In this section you can download the brochures of our products conveniently divided into families. With our brochures you can choose which Fertenia products are suitable for your crops and have the relative indications to obtain the best results in a healthy way with strong and healthy plants.

Happy surfing.


Phytofortifying - Resistance Inducers

Fertizolfo Bio®Natural Wax®Previen® Line
Power WP Cu-Zn
 fertizolfo bio dep  natural wax dep Linea Previen previe power erax DEPLIANT


Foliar and Root Biostimulants

Tequil®Alga Verde
Green Cream

biostimolanti linea

TEQUIL Alga Verde di Fertenia - FILTRATO DI CREMA DI ALGHE Ascophyllum nodosum

Copper based

Power WP Cu-zn
Zeorame® 30 SVitem HGA
previe power Linea Zeorame: concimi a base di Rame (Cu) ZEORAME 30 S vitem hga

Water-soluble and special fertigants

ultrafert dep

forcal depliant

Iron Chelates - EDDHA -EDTA

Ferland®Ferland® Trio

ferland dep

ferland trio

Foliar fertilizers

Foliar pH

foliar ph triplo

Organic fertilizers

Naturale 10 FluidHumicus GRHumic 87 WSG
naturale 10 fluid
humicus gr scheda  HUMIC 87